McDonalds is also constraint by labour law within Hong Kong. As there are maximum working hours for days and weeks for specific age cohorts, these employees can only work a specific amount of time in the day, forcing McDonalds to hire more employees to even out day and night shifts. Furthermore, wage is a huge constraint as labour laws dictate companies on how much an employees must earn, no matter his/her rank in the company, therefore all workers will earn above a specific amount in McDonalds. The labour law also states that children under 15 are prohibited to work in all industrial undertakings. Thus, the HR department in McDonalds will have to be really careful in selecting its employees and deciding how MANY employees they can undertake.
McDonalds, being a prestigious restaurant chain with tons of franchise stores in Hong Kong, will have constraints from food safety regulations set by the Hong Kong government. The production, processing, distribution, retail, packaging and labelling of food are all governed by a mass of laws, regulations, codes of practice and guidance. For example in the "Coloring Matter in Food Regulations" established by the "Centre for Food Safety Government Organization" it states that "no food intended for sale for human consumption shall contain any added colouring matter which is not a permitted colouring matter". This is a constraint for McDonalds as they try to market their burgers as fresh and colorful. Bright colors can definitely help McDonalds market its products and make their products more attractive and irresistible, thus attracting more consumers. But this law will force McDonalds to only use coloring in that is legal. Thus, they may not be able to fully utilize coloring chemicals to market and shape their product as they want.
There is also a law that states all employees who are intended to participate in the food business take a hygiene course to protect consumers health and safety. This is a barrier for McDonalds as this is very costly and time consuming, employees may not work straight away and have to earn his/her qualifications first.